TWH conferences are one-of-a-kind. Serious writers attend our program and go on to publish. There is no other writing program like it.
:: Thanks to all who applied! Our deadline has passed. We can’t wait to work with this incredible group of writers in Maine in June. Our 2026 conference dates will be announced soon.::
This year’s TWH MAINE “Mini MFA” Writers Conference is all Genre: Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry. Our conference runs June 4-10, 2025 at Sebasco Harbor Resort and June 28 via Zoom. Faculty readings during the conference are free and open to the public on Wednesday, June 4, 6:00-7:30 PM and on Monday, June 9 from 7:15-9:00 PM in the Quarterdeck Building on-site at the resort. Stay tuned for reading details!
TWH 2025 All-Genre Faculty: Richard Blanco, Maine Poet Laureate Julia Bouwsma, Susan Conley, Elyssa East, Jeffrey Ford, Elizabeth Hand, Alexandra Oliver, Mira Ptacin, Lidia Yuknavitch and TWH Directors Shanna McNair and Scott Wolven.
The Writer’s Hotel Maine “Mini MFA” is a unique, hybrid, comprehensive writing program. Our programming includes our TWH two-editor pre-conference Team Reading, virtual agent pitching sessions and our conference at Sebasco Harbor Resort in Phippsburg, Maine—a magnificent seaside resort, just north of Portland.
Sebasco Harbor Resort was built in the early 1900s as a kind of mini-village on 450 acres. The buildings are a mix of modern and rustic. So much character! We’re so excited to host our writers on this gorgeous oceanside property. Feast your eyes on the beauty of the resort below. There’s a saltwater pool, a golf course and tennis courts, an ice cream stand, restaurants, a game room with candlepin bowling, free kayaks and bikes to take for a spin, and sailing excursions to book. Enjoy workshops in lovely cottages and receptions in their grand gathering spaces. We have even built in a free day so that attendees can enjoy the surrounds. From our virtual pre-conference reading process through to conference, TWH takes writers and their writing to the next level. It's an extraordinary opportunity.
TWH Directors and Editors Shanna McNair and Scott Wolven read and consult on each writer’s full length manuscript pre-conference. Our Team Reading includes hundreds of comments. We also offer a follow-up phone call to discuss the comments and strategize next steps. No other writers conference delivers a full, comprehensive pre-conference manuscript reading and a conference call. TWH sets writers on a track to success--from desk to marketplace.
Following the pre-conference Team Reading process, writers meet in Maine for the TWH immersive, intense program. Writers workshop their writing in intimate Major Workshops with some of the industry’s top authors, and they attend generative Craft Lab workshops. This is a semi-hybrid event; our Agent Pitching Sessions and Agent Pitching Practice Session for prose writers will take place virtually on Zoom on June 28th, 2025, following the in-person conference. All other events will be held on-site.

What people are saying about The Writer’s Hotel NYC, Virtual and Maine “MINI MFA”.
“TWH is a work of art in its own right....[TWH NYC, Virtual and Maine] The nature of the program itself is one of TWH’s most precious gifts: provides confirmation of one’s work and value as a writer, but also in terms of how it manifests a kind of higher purpose, in fostering a climate of mutual support for our respective needs to create. This type of community is invaluable. ...I have been given a gift, the most precious of gifts, nourishment for my deepest self, my writerly self, but more than that, my eccentric, off-the-grid, doesn’t belong anywhere self, she has been seen, she has been acknowledged, she has received bukets of encouragement and affection. TWH is truly the gift that keeps on giving.”
“It’s hard to sum up my experience at The Writer’s Hotel Maine because I am still just swimming in the flood of ideas it generated. I have a to-do list. I feel energized. I have at least three new stories to work on; I feel confident about finishing my novel. I was reunited with friends I made at TWH previously - people who’ve helped me with my writing for many years - and it was as though we’d never been apart. I met writers who were new to me who gave me some new directions. The readings were especially inspiring this year. The conference started with the Governor of Maine! I can’t recommend this experience enough.”
“Of all three conferences [in-person in NYC, Zoom and Maine] I think I enjoyed this [the Maine conference] the most. I loved focusing just on writing and not having the distraction of New York City outside my door. I thought it was a great week. Very inspiring and just the right amount of time for workshop, alone time, group time. All instructors were superb. I loved every minute of it. To be able to talk to writers, think writing, and then write! No distractions. Totally absorbed into my novel and the feedback.”
“This week [TWH Maine] was so valuable. Wonderful instruction and community. You have created a safe space for writers to question, grow and find others to enjoy on this journey. This is hands down my favorite writing retreat! Thank you for everything! I thought I would prefer NYC but SPI was more relaxed and I believe I took more in as a result.”
“I absolutely loved this conference. It surpassed all expectations. Really a mind-blowing experience. I can’t say enough positive things. This changed my life.”
“The comments made by Shanna and Scott on my full-length manuscript were invaluable. This alone is worth the price of admission.”
“My reading at KGB Bar is going to rank as one of the highlights of my whole life. It was such a thrill to hone and present my work to an audience, but I think the best thing was the atmosphere of support and appreciation from everyone involved. A real boost.”
“Lovely. Magical. Wonderful. Exhausting.”
“I had an incredible experience. All components of the program either met or exceeded my expectations. I will be recommending it to my writing friends, and I hope that I can return some time in the future. It’s a lot to absorb and an intense week- sort of a marathon for a writer—and really worth it!”
“ I was struck at the level of community [that TWH has created], and strangely surprised that I hadn’t realized how important this is for the relatively solitary profession of writers.”
“TWH is one of the most generous, comprehensive, and fruitful experiences for any writer... none holds a candle to the wealth of knowledge and access to agents and publishers that TWH provides. I believe it may be the premier hands-on writer’s conference in the country. Bravo, TWH!”
“TWH was one of the best things I’ve done in/with my life. [The pre-conference reading was] Wonderful. Painstaking. Caring. Encouraging. Thoughtful. Essential to my improvement as a writer. Shanna and Scott threw themselves into my lengthy and complex narrative with everything they had. I am very, very grateful for this.”
“I felt I had leapt galaxies! I had a whole new sense of myself as a writer. TWH is a warm incubator, encouraging individual writers to grow and flourish. Thank you! Thank you!”
“The friendships that arise from TWH have been life-changing. Enduring beyond and in between conferences, those friendships have provided a literary community I sorely needed.”
“This conference was so totally different than anything else I have ever done in my decades writing voyage. I will be living with my edited MS for weeks as a result of your careful reading. The actual workshop offered honest, useful and caring critique from mature writers. To me, that was a treasure. TWH is worth every cent of the tuition and more.”
“The pre-conference editing service is invaluable. Comments are thorough, insightful and specific. Shanna and Scot gave me a good sense of how to think about my next round of revisions and helped me see my manuscript, both its strengths and weaknesses, with new eyes. Thank you for your incredible commitment to helping writers achieve their potential and for the community you build.”
“I found it hard to describe TWH to friends asking what the experience was like, for it was the kindest and yet most intense learning experience I’ve had as a writer. I returned home with a stronger commitment to my work and to the quality of my work than ever before.”
TWH Maine “Mini MFA” All-Fiction 2025 Faculty.
Lidia Yuknavitch, Richard Blanco, Maine Poet Laureate Julia Bouwsma, Susan Conley, Elyssa East, Jeffrey Ford, Elizabeth Hand, Alexandra Oliver, Mira Ptacin, and TWH Directors Shanna McNair and Scott Wolven.
Shanna McNair
TWH Founding Director & Editor
Major Fiction Workshop, Faculty Reading
Scott Wolven
TWH Consulting Director & Editor
Major Fiction Workshop, Fiction Craft Lab, Faculty Reading
Richard Blanco
Poetry Craft Lab
Maine Poet Laureate Julia Bouwsma
Poetry Craft Lab, Faculty Reading
Susan Conley
Nonfiction Craft Lab, Faculty Reading
Elyssa East
Major Nonfiction Workshop, Nonfiction Craft Lab, Faculty Reading
Jeffrey Ford
Major Fiction Workshop, Fiction Craft Lab, Faculty Reading
Elizabeth Hand
Major Fiction Workshop, Fiction Craft Lab, Faculty Reading
Alexandra Oliver
Major Poetry Workshop, Poetry Craft Lab, Faculty Reading
Mira Ptacin
Nonfiction Craft Lab
Lidia Yuknavitch
Major Fiction Workshop, Fiction Craft Lab, Faculty Reading
All about our TWH Maine “Mini MFA” Program, from start to finish.
Our pre-reading component begins immediately upon acceptance. Each writer receives two sets of comments in a single Word document. TWH Directors and Editors Shanna McNair and Scott Wolven read each manuscript—our TWH “Team Reading”. We generate hundreds of comments, from line edits to developmental edits, and follow up with a conference call to discuss the comments. Working with writers virtually pre-conference helps bring manuscripts into focus before the conference in June. And writers attend the conference feeling an artistic momentum, since they've been working hard on their manuscripts before they even begin the in-person conference program.
We use Word editing features and comment fields. Prose writers receive feedback about such items as plot, character development, dialogue, sentence structure, tone, voice, dialogue, craft, narrative arc and more. For poets, TWH hones in on line breaks, line edits, stanza work, enjambment, form, etc. The target manuscript can be a full-length manuscript, or it can be a shorter manuscript, of 30-50 pages. Works-in-progress are perfectly acceptable for our program. We do not accept works of prose over 100K words, unless we make an exception. Poets should send in manuscripts of 70 pages or less.
MAJOR WORKSHOPS. Writers attend a total of four Major Workshops, and each lasts three hours. Major Workshops are intimate and craft-centered. They’re capped at 14 people.
Before the conference begins, all prose writers submit 5000 words of prose; poets submit 15 pages of poetry for their Major Workshop. TWH Editors collate packets for each Major Workshop. The packets are emailed to attendees a month before the conference begins. All attending writers are expected to read their workshop packets and make constructive comments for their workshop peers. Major Workshop instructors also read the packets, and a robust conversation about each writer’s original work happens on-site. Workshop packets are emailed to each participant in May. The packets must be printed out and comment documents should be collated by each writer for their Major Workshop.
CRAFT LABS. are genre-specific and generative. There are three offerings for attendees to choose from during each Craft Lab slot.
FACULTY READING SERIES. Faculty Readings take place twice during the conference and are open to the public.
TWH OPEN MIC SESSIONS. All attending writers have the opportunity to read their own original work at the on-site Open Mic sessions. This event fosters TWH community and is only for attending writers.
Our Sara Patton Stipends are awarded on the last day of the conference, in-person. Three writers (a poet, fiction writer and nonfiction writer) will be awarded a Stipend in 2024. This feature is special to our TWH “MINI MFA” conferences. We are pleased to be able to support writers with this extra distinction and a $500 stipend. Faculty familiar with manuscripts nominate writers, and final choices are made in a closed committee process. Teaching Assistants and writers who have worked with us in Private Study or Workroom are not eligible, and recipients cannot win more than once. All other writers attending our TWH “Mini MFA” are automatically entered in the running. There is no application process. We award the stipends during the conference. The stipends' namesake, the late great Sara Patton, was a TWH attendee in our first year and a wonderful writer. May our stipends honor her brave work as a writer, and her love of writers and writing. We were also inspired by the Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Kurt Brown Prizes, which are given in the same amount to writers in the same genres via AWP Writers Conferences & Centers (WC&C). TWH “MINI MFA” writers are eligible as we maintain a WC&C membership.
TWH is keeping the same cost structure as the last three years; the cost will not be raised. Our programming fee includes the pre-conference TWH Team Reading, performed by two TWH editors, and all on-site events June 4-10, 2025, including Major Workshops, Lectures, Attendee and Faculty Readings, Craft Labs and Open Mic Night. Also included is our virtual Agent Pitch Sessions event Each TWH Team Reading includes hundreds of comments, from line edits to developmental edits, and a follow-up phone call to address any questions a writer has about the generated comments. TWH is a unique and comprehensive writing program. The fee for our 2024 TWH program is $3,500. Our prices are extremely competitive; we feel that the pre-conference reading value alone may well be worth the price of admission. We are also extremely selective, because of the time we spend with each author's work and because of the small size of each Major Workshop.
Many of our attendees who work in academia in the states and abroad have received funding grants via their colleges or universities, as TWH is generally considered a career enrichment program. We are more than happy to supply the appropriate paperwork if this is an option for an accepted writer.
Writers have the opportunity to pitch to agents one-on-one during via Zoom. Virtual pitching sessions work best for writers, as writers can meet one-on-one with agents in their own space. We have found that the focus between the agent and the writer is much more keen via Zoom. This component takes place following the in-person conference on Saturday, June 28, 2025 from 11:00 AM-5:00 PM Eastern Time.
TWH 2025 “Mini MFA” Directors Assistants.
M. G. Barlow
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Fiction, Nonfiction)
Grace Carpenter
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Fiction)
Jen Knox
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Fiction, Nonfiction)
Kathy MacKay
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Nonfiction)
Julie Morrison
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Fiction, Poetry)
Mike Murphey
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Fiction and Nonfiction)
Adela Najarro
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Fiction, Poetry)
Gary Seigel
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Fiction, Nonfiction)
Ellen Sollinger-Walker
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Fiction)
Linda Stevenson
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Fiction)
Patti Tod
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Directors Assistant (Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry)
TWH 2025 “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistants.
Derek Cressman
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistant (Fiction)
Kyle Dailey
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistant (Fiction)
Robert T. Kelley
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistant (Fiction)
Haley Hach
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistant (Fiction)
Wendy Johnson
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistant (Nonfiction)
Jessica Lipnack
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistant (Nonfiction, Fiction)
Jane O'Keeffe
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistant (Fiction)
Joseph Pfister
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistant (Fiction)
Jody Ulate
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistant (Nonfiction)
Anne Witty
TWH Maine All-Genre “Mini MFA” Teaching Assistant (Poetry)
TWH Maine All-Fiction “Mini MFA” 2023 Sara Patton Recipients.
Margaret Besser
2023 Sara Patton Recipient: Speculative Fiction (Novel)
Robert Kelley
2023 Sara Patton Recipient: Thriller (Novel)
Andrea Malin
2023 Sara Patton Recipient: Literary Fiction (Novel)
Congratulations to The Writer's Hotel Maine All-Fiction “Mini MFA” 2023 Sara Patton Stipend recipients! Three fiction writers were selected. This year’s awardees: Margaret Besser (Speculative Fiction: Novel), Robert Kelley (Thriller: Novel) and Andrea Malin (Literary Fiction: Novel). Please click their bio links above to learn more information about each of these three fine writers.
The story: The stipends’ namesake, the late great Sara Patton, was a TWH attendee in our first year and a wonderful writer. We offer these stipends in her name to honor her own brave work as a writer, and to honor her love of writers and writing. We were also inspired by the Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Scholarships, the Kurt Brown Prizes, which are given in the same amount and to writers in the same genres via AWP’s Writers Conferences & Centers (WC&C) group. Because we maintain this membership with WC&C, any writer attending TWH is eligible to enter to win a Kurt Brown Prize as well. We are proud to give these stipends to writers each year via our own sponsorship, in conjunction with donor dollars, where available. Please consider donating below. ++ The family of Sara Patton generously donated $300 to the prizes in 2023. We are very grateful. Thank you so much!! ++
The process: We are pleased to be able to support writers with this extra distinction. Faculty familiar with manuscripts nominate writers, and final choices are made in a closed committee process. Teaching Assistants, Faculty Assistants and writers who have worked with us in Private Study or Workroom are not eligible, and recipients cannot win more than once. All other writers in attendance are automatically entered in the running. There is no application process. We award the stipends during the conference.
Past Sara Patton recipients: 2022 Sara Patton recipients: Miriam Polli (Historical Fiction), Pam Munter (Memoir) and Laura Apol (Free Verse). 2020 Sara Patton recipients (All-Fiction Conference): Zee Dempster, Lee Morgan and B.B. Garin. 2019 Sara Patton recipients: Joanie HF Zosike (Poetry) Jody Ulate (Nonfiction) and Christopher Santiago (Fiction). 2018 Sara Patton Stipend recipients: Lucas Hanft (Fiction), Sarah T. Jewell (Poetry) and Debra L. Winegarten (Nonfiction). 2017 Sara Patton Stipend recipients: Lyndsie Manusos (Fiction), Claudia M. Wilson (Poetry) and Christine Kalafus (Nonfiction). 2016 Sara Patton Stipend recipients: Jillian Brenner (Fiction), Deborah Mouton (Poetry) and Mai Lauren Hoang (Nonfiction). 2015 Sara Patton Stipend recipients: Lisa Shatto Glasgow (Fiction), Erin Adair Hodges (Poetry) and Melissa Wiley (Nonfiction).