Elizabeth Hand.
Elizabeth Hand
TWH 2025 Major Fiction Workshop, Fiction Craft Lab, Faculty Reading
Elizabeth Hand is the bestselling author of nineteen multiple-award-winning, cross-genre novels and five collections of short fiction and essays. She’s a longtime critic and contributor of reviews and essays to the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Boston Review, along numerous other publications. Cass Neary, the transgressive protagonist of Generation Loss and its three sequels, was named “one of noir’s great anti-heroes” by Katherine Dunn [author of Geek Love]. Hand’s forthcoming novel, Hokuloa Road, set in Hawaii during the 2020 Covid lockdown, has been optioned for a feature film, as has her novel Wylding Hall, and Generation Loss is being developed as a TV series. She writes frequently about visionary artists and wonky subcultures, and since the beginning of her career has written about climate change, environmental collapse, and the devastating impacts of humans upon our planet. Terrence Rafferty in the New York Times Book Review stated that “This writer’s Promethean project, her fire-stealing strategy, has always been, as Cass Neary’s is and Mary Shelley’s was, art itself — the act of creation and all its ambiguities.” She divides her time between the Maine coast and North London. Her novel, A Haunting on the Hill, a follow-on to Shirley Jackson’s classic The Haunting of Hill House and the first new book to be authorized by the author’s estate, will be published this October 2023.