Ellen Sollinger Walker.
Ellen Sollinger Walker, TWH 2025 Directors Assistant (Fiction)
Ellen Sollinger Walker’s stories often unearth the power, passion, and heartache of classical music and musicians. She holds graduate degrees in music and psychology and worked as a professional classical pianist, university music instructor, and mental health counselor for over forty years. Her short stories have appeared or are upcoming in a wide range of literary journals including Vine Leaves Press, Change Seven Literary Magazine, Papers Publishing and The Whitefish Review. Her work also appears in several anthologies: The Dillydoun Prize Anthology, Volume One, (Honorable Mention) 50-Word Stories of 2022: Microfiction for Lovers of Quick Reads, and The Book of Life After Death.
The essay, “Why Ellen Sollinger Walker’s Writing is Important” was published in July, 2024 on Substack by Jade Brown, founder of Papers Publishing. The article champions Ellen’s short story, “Twigs and Dead Leaves.”
More at http://ellenwrites.net.