Cristina Garcí­a.

Cristina Garcí­a

(Poetry Craft Lab)

Cristina Garcí­a is the author of the poetry collection The Lesser Tragedy of Death and of eight novels, including Dreaming in Cuban, The Agüero Sisters, Monkey Hunting, A Handbook to Luck, The Lady Matador’s Hotel, King of Cuba, Here in Berlin, and the forthcoming Vanishing Maps (Knopf, 2023).

Garcí­a has edited two anthologies, Bordering Fires: The Vintage Book of Contemporary Mexican and Chicano/a Literature and Cubaní­simo: The Vintage Book of Contemporary Cuban Literature. She is also the author of three works for young readers, Dreams of Significant Girls; The Dog Who Loved the Moon; and I Wanna Be Your Shoebox. A collection of poetry, The Lesser Tragedy of Death, was published in 2010.