Allison Muir.

Allison Muir, TWH 2022 Fiction Teaching Assistant

Allison Muir is a San Franciscan born writer, artist, and interior designer. During her varied career she has designed D.I.Y. projects for ReadyMade magazine, coordinated postproduction for clients such as Industrial Light and Magic, Dreamworks, and Pixar, and produced and written for Al Gore’s Current TV. Her fiction has appeared in The Murmur House, The Ginger Collect, and The Broke Bohemian literary magazines. She has read at multiple times at the Litquake Literary Festival in San Francisco, as well as KGB Bar in New York City. A recent video installation “Talkin’ Down to Trump” was featured at the O’Hanlon Center for the Arts in Mill Valley, California. She is the owner of Allison Muir Design.