Take your writing to the next level.

Our next TWH MAINE “Mini MFA” Writers Conference will be All-Genre. Join us June 4-10, 2025, in-person in Maine at Sebasco Harbor Resort. All three genres: Fiction, Nonfiction & Poetry. Apply below!

TWH 2025 All-Genre Faculty: Lidia Yuknavitch, Richard Blanco, Maine Poet Laureate Julia Bouwsma, Susan Conley, Elyssa East, Jeffrey Ford, Elizabeth Hand, Alexandra Oliver, Mira Ptacin, Debra Spark and TWH Directors and Editors Shanna McNair and Scott Wolven.

:: Deadline to apply to TWH 2025 is March 19, 2025 or when we reach capacity. Space is limited. Apply today! We look forward to reading your work.::

Serious writers attend our program and go on to publish. There is no other writing program like it. The Writer’s Hotel Maine “Mini MFA” is a unique, hybrid, comprehensive writing program. Our programming includes our TWH two-editor pre-conference Team Reading and our conference, to be held IN-PERSON in Maine at Sebasco Harbor Resort! <<CLICK HERE>> to have a look at this fantastic resort in Phippsburg, on the water.

TWH Directors and Editors Shanna McNair and Scott Wolven read and consult on each writer’s full length manuscript pre-conference. Our Team Reading includes hundreds of comments. We also offer a follow-up phone call to discuss the comments and strategize next steps. No other writers conference delivers a full, comprehensive pre-conference manuscript reading and a conference call. TWH sets writers on a track to success--from desk to marketplace.

Following the pre-conference Team Reading process, writers meet in Maine for the TWH immersive, intense program. Writers workshop their writing in intimate Major Workshops with some of the industry’s top authors, and they attend generative Craft Lab workshops. This is a semi-hybrid event; our Agent Pitching Sessions and Agent Pitching Practice Session will take place virtually on Zoom on Saturday, June 28th, 2025 from 11:00 AM-5:00 PM Eastern Time. All other events will be held on-site.

TWH Workroom: Writer-to-Writer Virtual Editing.

Ongoing, as space allows. Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Plays, TV Scripts & Film Screenplays.

If you’d rather write from home, this option might be for you. Two TWH Editors read your manuscript and generate hundreds of comments. This program is all-virtual and centers on a single writer. Writers select a single reading or multiple readings. We offer three different options in TWH Workroom. You can opt for a single Reading (Workroom 1); two readings (Workroom 2); or five readings (Workroom 5).

TWH writers go on to publish, and many have gotten book deals and representation. The bottom line is that we give writers the tools they need for writing and publishing success. Ready to take that next step? We're here for you. Let’s write!

TWH offers Book Doctor, Book-to-script and Ghostwriting services. We'd be happy to discuss your project! ✍️✍️ ✍️✍️ Click here to connect with us at editors@writershotel.com. ✍️✍️ ✍️✍️

TWH offers Book Doctor, Book-to-script and Ghostwriting services. We'd be happy to discuss your project! ✍️✍️ ✍️✍️ Click here to connect with us at editors@writershotel.com. ✍️✍️ ✍️✍️